
Sunday, January 3, 2010


This year is going to be full of changes. Graduating, moving out, getting job(s), figuring out what i'm going to do about school. Its all very normal, but scary and exciting just the same. Although i probably wont be moving out until next fall; i can't seem to stop talking about all the little details. I'm pretty sure i'm driving my mom, dad, and matt up the wall with all my nonesense. God bless them for putting up with me.

Right now i'm trying to transition into a college group or maybe get involved with a smaller church so that i can get back on the ball with my fellowship, which has been lacking lately, and my God time. I am definatly one of those people who needs to support and be supported through my walk. So I really need to get back on track with it all. I know i won't be able the survive this year without a good group of people by my side.

I don't want to just focus on what MY year will be like. I want to start reaching out to people. Helping in whatever way I can. I know that although i deeply want to, i will not be able to afford to go on any mission trips any time soon. But as i got thinking. I can help people (and also be helped) right here in my own town. Just as many people, if not more, are hurting. Heck, I'm hurting. We are all broken in one way or another. Its our duty to help each other heal the wounds. I dont know why i keep putting this off. Maybe because i didn't want to "be a follower" and only help out during the holidays (which is ridiculous. dont follow that example). But I am going to change that. From people walking down the halls with me to the people walking down the streets with me; I am going to BE love.

Romans 12:17-21

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