
Sunday, October 24, 2010

What a novel idea.

So I finally have an idea for my next novel.

General idea: Prodigal son written through the perspective of the "son" character and the "father" character. I haven't decided the time period of my story yet but I think I have the characters pretty much done. Hopefully I will get some pieces of it up soon so that I can get your feedback :)

(But also feel free to give me feedback on my general idea too)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Thank God

Giving thanks to God is not my strong point I am sad to say. And tonight it hit me just how much God has been taking care of me and that I've just been thinking it was "left to chance" or a "happy mistake". No, there is no way I would be living the life I am right now. There are a lot of things I wanted to give thanks to God for and I thought what better way to give thanks than to God than to share with all my friends and family (and anyone else who follows my blog) what is going on in my life and how He is working.


First of all I was able to move into an incredibly beautiful home that is only a few minutes from church and fifteen to twenty from both places I work. I have two of the greatest roommates I could ask for. And I am paying the cheapest rent I have ever heard of.

Another thing was money. I was REALLY struggling with money and was getting cut back a lot on hours at famous footwear to the point wear I recieved a fifty dollar check. Now, I don't care how cheap rent is... I cant live on that. So I applied at a few different places and got an interveiw at joanns and she told me she would let me know if I got the job by friday. Well it just so happened that friday I was going on a youth retreat with my junior high friends and I didn't receive a call that day. The entire trip I was pretty distraught and was trying to think through my options for when I got home. The first two days I was frustrated with God and I just wanted to shut him out for not letting me land that job. The third and last day we were there I was singing worship and I finally said "Ok God, I can't do this by myself anymore, I'm giving it to you." My phone didn't get reception the whole time but then it rang and it was Joanns calling me to tell me I got the job and to come in that Tuesday to start.

I am loving the people I am working with and I am making a lot of new friends there. But lately I have felt depressed and lonely. I felt like my only friend was Matt, who is the greatest friend I could ever ask for but I still wanted to have someone to hang out with when he was with his friends, and I just wanted to feel a sense of community. My friend Jake the other day was telling me how he felt community for the first time when he went away to help at a summer camp in colorado and I thought "I would like that" so I told Matt how I was going to be leaving this summer so I could experience these things but then he brought to my attention that I would have to eventually leave my community, or that I might not have the same experience as Jake. Matt helped me figure out that what I was hungry for were friends. I have always been a little awkward and different which makes it hard to find someone who is willing to love me past my flaws and quirks. I have a lot of people in my life that like me and I like them but we don't have a relationship.

So this morning I was supposed to go to work and it was our last day of this GIANT sale at Joanns and so there would be a huge amount of people that would just be showing up late to the sale, but instead I was called and told that I had the day off. Super strange... I even went in later to pick something up and I asked one of my managers about it and she said she was just as baffled as I was. But this was a total God thing. My friend Kristine and her son were moving into their new house and I got to stay with them all day and help them get settled and I got to go out and shop for them. I never realized how clensing and fun it is to give gifts. Not gifts because you feel obligated, like christmas or birthdays, but gifts that you genuenly want to get them just because you want them to be happy. I felt community with them. I have never felt that before. God got me a day off work at the most impossible time so I could feel that. He is amazing and I am so glad for what I have. I just want to give back and love on people.

What has God given you that you haven't noticed before?

Friday, October 22, 2010


I love drawing, it makes me feel alive.

My latest:


Monday, October 18, 2010

Rough morning

This morning I was having seizures and wasn't able to go to work today which didn't make my manager too happy because we are in the middle of a big sale. And if you know me you know that I am a HUGE people pleaser, having someone upset with me is not something that I take lightly (which can be my downfall). I just so worn out by these seizures.

At first my seizure medicine was working great and I was having no problems and then all of a sudden they started getting worse again and I noticed that if I ever missed one of my pills I actually started to feel better. Now, because I am poor, I decided to ween myself off the pills myself instead of go to my neurologist (bad move on my part). When I first got off the meds I felt great and was doing good again but now I'm having them regularly again. I usually don't complain about this but I have just really been struggling and decided I would voice it. I would love your prayers.

EKG Pictures, Images and Photos EKG

A little bit of what my seizures are like (because I wouldn't know either if I didn't have them) :

-Petit Mal

Symptoms of petit mal seizures can be hard to observe because the seizures themselves are so brief - often only a few seconds. The patient will often appear simply to be staring into space. Some more outward indications of a petit mal typically include smacking of the lips or chewing, hand movements, and fluttering eyelids. During this time, the patient will have no awareness of his or her surroundings and will be unable to continue conscious activity such as movement or talking. Atypical symptoms can include slumping or falling, with a more gradual onset and recovery than a typical petit mal.

The ones I experience are the fluttering eyelids and they seem to last for at least 15 minutes and usually a couple of hours. I have been having these every morning. It is not safe for me to drive when I am having these. They only happen when I wake up, my neurologist thinks because I might have seizures while I sleep so waking me out of an unconscious state has the effect of these petit mals. When I say I was having seizures that day that does not mean that I was have a Grand mal (as I explain below)

-Grand mal

A grand mal seizure — also known as a tonic-clonic seizure — features a loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions. It's the type of seizure most people picture when they think about seizures in general.

Grand mal seizure is caused by abnormal electrical activity throughout the brain. In some cases, this type of seizure is triggered by other health problems, such as extremely low blood sugar or a stroke. However, most of the time grand mal seizure is caused by epilepsy.

Many people who have a grand mal seizure will never have another one. However in some people, daily anti-seizure medications are needed to control grand mal seizure.

I have not had this kind of seizure for about two years now, which is great because they hurt REALLY bad. I take medicine to avoid these types of seizures so now I am going to have to get on some new medication.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Cold weather

Cold weather has finally arrived! I seem to have a love hate relationship with cold weather. I hate being outside and feeling like I should of put on ski pants just to walk out the door, But I love being chilly and cuddling up under the blanket next to a fire with Matthew, the beautiful clothes you get to wear, or watching the leaves turn colors and the snow fall...


Maybe I would love it most if I was able to just stay inside with my cozy blanket and fuzzy socks and watch the world around me.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fabric cutting and hospital visits.

So it has been a while since I have posted anything.

Latest news:

I have a new job at Joanns fabric and crafts. I just got done with my first week and am still getting used to everything. Starting a new job is always a little stressful when you have to learn so many new things. I also tend to get policies and methods mixed up between Famous footwear and Joanns which I will hopefully be able to fix fairly quickly.

Unfortunatly I had an incredibly frustrating day on Wednesday. I was working my second day at the cut table and I was cutting fabric for a customer that had about 18 bolts so I was talking to her about her projects and measuring when all of a sudden I had a shap pain in my right kidney, my face went hot and my body went cold, and I got light headed. I finished up the customer and took a little break when I started to break out into a cold sweat and the pain started to increase. So I decided that it would be best if I went to the hospital because I was obviously confused and a little scared. So Matt came and picked me up and took me to the ER and we spent about 6 hours there taking a multitude of tests. At the end of it all they had no idea what the problem was. So they released me and Matt and my mom wheeled me out to the cafeteria to get something to eat (becaues I was too woosy to walk from all the pain killers) and I ended up fainting. So they had to take me back into the ER and didn't get home until two in the morning. Horay for spending 11 hours in the ER with no results. Woot!