
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Thank God

Giving thanks to God is not my strong point I am sad to say. And tonight it hit me just how much God has been taking care of me and that I've just been thinking it was "left to chance" or a "happy mistake". No, there is no way I would be living the life I am right now. There are a lot of things I wanted to give thanks to God for and I thought what better way to give thanks than to God than to share with all my friends and family (and anyone else who follows my blog) what is going on in my life and how He is working.


First of all I was able to move into an incredibly beautiful home that is only a few minutes from church and fifteen to twenty from both places I work. I have two of the greatest roommates I could ask for. And I am paying the cheapest rent I have ever heard of.

Another thing was money. I was REALLY struggling with money and was getting cut back a lot on hours at famous footwear to the point wear I recieved a fifty dollar check. Now, I don't care how cheap rent is... I cant live on that. So I applied at a few different places and got an interveiw at joanns and she told me she would let me know if I got the job by friday. Well it just so happened that friday I was going on a youth retreat with my junior high friends and I didn't receive a call that day. The entire trip I was pretty distraught and was trying to think through my options for when I got home. The first two days I was frustrated with God and I just wanted to shut him out for not letting me land that job. The third and last day we were there I was singing worship and I finally said "Ok God, I can't do this by myself anymore, I'm giving it to you." My phone didn't get reception the whole time but then it rang and it was Joanns calling me to tell me I got the job and to come in that Tuesday to start.

I am loving the people I am working with and I am making a lot of new friends there. But lately I have felt depressed and lonely. I felt like my only friend was Matt, who is the greatest friend I could ever ask for but I still wanted to have someone to hang out with when he was with his friends, and I just wanted to feel a sense of community. My friend Jake the other day was telling me how he felt community for the first time when he went away to help at a summer camp in colorado and I thought "I would like that" so I told Matt how I was going to be leaving this summer so I could experience these things but then he brought to my attention that I would have to eventually leave my community, or that I might not have the same experience as Jake. Matt helped me figure out that what I was hungry for were friends. I have always been a little awkward and different which makes it hard to find someone who is willing to love me past my flaws and quirks. I have a lot of people in my life that like me and I like them but we don't have a relationship.

So this morning I was supposed to go to work and it was our last day of this GIANT sale at Joanns and so there would be a huge amount of people that would just be showing up late to the sale, but instead I was called and told that I had the day off. Super strange... I even went in later to pick something up and I asked one of my managers about it and she said she was just as baffled as I was. But this was a total God thing. My friend Kristine and her son were moving into their new house and I got to stay with them all day and help them get settled and I got to go out and shop for them. I never realized how clensing and fun it is to give gifts. Not gifts because you feel obligated, like christmas or birthdays, but gifts that you genuenly want to get them just because you want them to be happy. I felt community with them. I have never felt that before. God got me a day off work at the most impossible time so I could feel that. He is amazing and I am so glad for what I have. I just want to give back and love on people.

What has God given you that you haven't noticed before?

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