
Monday, October 18, 2010

Rough morning

This morning I was having seizures and wasn't able to go to work today which didn't make my manager too happy because we are in the middle of a big sale. And if you know me you know that I am a HUGE people pleaser, having someone upset with me is not something that I take lightly (which can be my downfall). I just so worn out by these seizures.

At first my seizure medicine was working great and I was having no problems and then all of a sudden they started getting worse again and I noticed that if I ever missed one of my pills I actually started to feel better. Now, because I am poor, I decided to ween myself off the pills myself instead of go to my neurologist (bad move on my part). When I first got off the meds I felt great and was doing good again but now I'm having them regularly again. I usually don't complain about this but I have just really been struggling and decided I would voice it. I would love your prayers.

EKG Pictures, Images and Photos EKG

A little bit of what my seizures are like (because I wouldn't know either if I didn't have them) :

-Petit Mal

Symptoms of petit mal seizures can be hard to observe because the seizures themselves are so brief - often only a few seconds. The patient will often appear simply to be staring into space. Some more outward indications of a petit mal typically include smacking of the lips or chewing, hand movements, and fluttering eyelids. During this time, the patient will have no awareness of his or her surroundings and will be unable to continue conscious activity such as movement or talking. Atypical symptoms can include slumping or falling, with a more gradual onset and recovery than a typical petit mal.

The ones I experience are the fluttering eyelids and they seem to last for at least 15 minutes and usually a couple of hours. I have been having these every morning. It is not safe for me to drive when I am having these. They only happen when I wake up, my neurologist thinks because I might have seizures while I sleep so waking me out of an unconscious state has the effect of these petit mals. When I say I was having seizures that day that does not mean that I was have a Grand mal (as I explain below)

-Grand mal

A grand mal seizure — also known as a tonic-clonic seizure — features a loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions. It's the type of seizure most people picture when they think about seizures in general.

Grand mal seizure is caused by abnormal electrical activity throughout the brain. In some cases, this type of seizure is triggered by other health problems, such as extremely low blood sugar or a stroke. However, most of the time grand mal seizure is caused by epilepsy.

Many people who have a grand mal seizure will never have another one. However in some people, daily anti-seizure medications are needed to control grand mal seizure.

I have not had this kind of seizure for about two years now, which is great because they hurt REALLY bad. I take medicine to avoid these types of seizures so now I am going to have to get on some new medication.

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