
Thursday, June 10, 2010


Today I was watching Kate plus 8 and my dad walked in while the kids were talking about their sixth birthday party.

My dad said "Those kids are so cute... too bad they wont be good kids when they grow up"

I thought that was a little strange so I asked him why he thought that. He told me that kids are always sweet (which I dont agree with) when they are young but they will always become bad when they get older. Especially in this day and age they have absolutely no opportunity to be good or be close with God.

What a terrible way to look at life. I'm sad that this is how my dad sees people and that this is how he sees God. How can he think that we as humans have so much control. Or that we as americans have so much control. I think that by us saying "there is no hope" that is us giving up on not only ourselves but our future. Why is it that just because we have a liberal president who wants to change things around (not that I agree with everything Obama says or does but I don't believe he has any power over our souls in any way shape or form) means that we have to just accept that our public school teachers might teach us the wrong things about our country and its founders. That means that we have no hope!? Thats ridiculous to me. That sounds to me like christianity is solely based on politics. That our "founding fathers" created this belief.

Sigh... I truly hope that by being a leader to this youth group I can help them feel God and understand that He is not contained by who is our president or what is being taught in schools. Man is definatly not more powerful than God. Sometimes humans just put up certain barriers that we need to break down. It can be done. And it can be done through you.

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