
Sunday, June 27, 2010


What beautiful blinders and masks we wear. They are really impressive.

Tonight I had fellowship by a campfire and it was wonderful. We talked about the theology of the trinity (or thats what we were supposed to be talking about but we are simple minded folk and get off track). So we were talking about different experiences we have had with the different "flavors"- as Chad B. puts it- of Christians. We also talked about jealousy and the difference between loving jealousy and sinful coveting jealousy. All wonderful and great things. It was such a open enviroment and I felt so at home.

*Subject jump*

Earlier that day I was working and I was walking past this lady and her two boys. The oldest being probably 9 and the youngest being 6. They were cute kids - the youngest one kept coming up and asking me how much the shoes would be if he bought two pairs of socks, or one pair of socks, or just the shoes - and all I heard from this mother was "You put that down right now! I dont have that kind of money!". Now, at that age kids understand that money buys you things, but they dont exactly realize prices as much (which is totally fine in my opinion). So she buys them both some shoes from the clearance rack and then starts talking to me about the shape ups -they run for around $100 depending on which one you choose - and she decides to get these. Well to these kids seeing a price tag of a hundred bucks doesn't compare to the twenty or thirty dollar shoes that they wanted. And they were slightly confused. The younger boy asked why he can't have the thirty dollar shoes that he wanted but she can have the REALLY expensive shoes. She got very angy and defensive and yelled at him "I work my ass off and I DESERVE these shoes!"

mask Pictures, Images and Photos

Now... I'm not entirely sure if we deserve anything. Why in the world do we spend so much money on such silly items? Why are we such selfish people? Watching this really humbled me. Its funny to me how people tell me to be proud to be an american and that we are the most privlaged. When honestly... I feel that we are the most lost. We are so far from what God wants. I look at the people that we help on mission trips - though it would be more acurate to say that they help us - and they have such a love for God. They have to trust Him every day to take care of them. Unlike us who are being taught that being independent is the way to success and that being an American is like acheiving saint-hood.

Like I said.... we have beautiful masks and blinders.

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