
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Back in a brand new light.

So it has been a while since I've posted anything. My life has just been full of suprises lately. I wasn't able to afford much of anything even though I was working two jobs. I honestly could barely afford milk and gas. Sometimes I couldn't. But thankfully God blessed me with a full time position at a credit union. Can you say hello benefits and goodbye screwy shifts? Super rad for sure!


Life has been hectic for sure but Christmas is coming up. Which is a suprisingly relaxing time for me. Gifts don't stress me out because I don't try and buy things I can't afford. If you can, look into making things for people out of stuff you already have. I know you may find this hard to believe, and some of you may disagree with me, but I have found that making a gift out of love or finding some things at a dollar store and putting something together for them is much more special than recieving and ipod or video game.

Now I know everyone that is reading this is probably thinking "There is no way that anyone would like a homemade scarf than an ipod". Well that is probably true. But a homemade scarf isn't necessarily what I'm talking about. I'm talking about taking the time to find out little things about your friends and family that you love and letting them know about it. Feeling loved is the greatest gift of all. Love is the whole reason Jesus came here. Love is the whole reason we are able to celebrate this Holiday.

I know the shock factor of getting an expensive gift is awesome... but it fades. It doesn't matter after a while. Soon we will need the next best thing. I have found that the more we worry about getting the "best gift ever" then we actually lose sight of why we are getting these gifts. Not out of obligation... but out of love.

So I urge you to stay away from stores like Best buy, Dillards, and any store in the mall this Christmas. Lets spread love... not greed.

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