
Friday, August 20, 2010

Excitement overpowering fear

You know, I expected to cry when I graduated.
I didn't.

I also expected this gut wrenching fear of moving out and having all this change in my life.
I'm not.


I am so incredibly excited for the things coming up this fall!
I get to be a leader to some of the coolest kids around and teach them about Jesus.
I get to see them love, hurt, and triumph.
Hopefully I also get to help them through that process.
Something I wish I would of had at that time.

I am also moving in with one of the coolest ladies I know!

I am very blessed.


  1. Awe. you're the bomb. sounds like God's working his will in your life.

    and if someone tries to bring you down... throw em' on the ground!

  2. Ya know, I think you should meet Hilary first before putting her in your blog post. ;)
    Woot to the woot!
