
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Watching the sun fade...

It has been a beautiful couple days of thunderstorms.

Thunderstorm over the Sierras Pictures, Images and Photos
I suppose there is something comforting about having a nice home to stay in and watch the beauty unfold. The flash of light and the echoing boom... it's relaxing.
Talking about the weather always seems like the thing you say when you don't know what else to say, I believe that weather leaves us out of breath and for me, speechless - if we take the time to notice it.
And now I am watching the sun fade to darkness... enclosing us in shades of pink, purple and blue. Oh what a wonderful world...

Sunset after a thunderstorm Pictures, Images and Photos

1 comment:

  1. It's true, the clouds have been so beautiful lately, and I am convinced Utah has the best sunsets.
