
Saturday, May 21, 2011

365 days of thankfulness

How many times do you wake up, go about your day, and go to bed without thinking of a single thing you are thankful for? I have realized that I do this on a regular basis and have decided to do a little project. Every day for one year I will account for what I am thankful for that day and explain to you why. This isn't necissarily for anyone but myself but I thought if I shared it then I might inspire someone else. I am hoping this next year will be a growing experience and that I will learn a lot about the people and the world I am surrounded by and realize the blessings I have even in the most difficult days.


As for today, I am thankful for the relationship I have with Matt. Today we both had the day off so I went to Bountiful and helped him do laundry and clean up his appartment. That sounds like such an awful chore and is honestly one of my least favorites but I enjoyed spending time with him. We also made dinner and lunch together, something we should do more often.

After we ate dinner, we went down to the weekly comedy improv show that is held at a community church/ coffee shop in Ogden. We usuallly take pictures for them but this week we forgot his camera and had to drive back to Bountiful only to turn around and come to Ogden. We were gone the entire show but I was suprised how much I enjoyed it. We talked for the entire time and never turned on the music. Which then made me realize that we never play music in the car when we are together because we are continuously in a conversation. Once again, I am thankful for the relationship I have with Matt and what a blessing he is to me.

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