
Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Well, it would seem that my life has been very hectic and have failed to get online. But the truth is that I have just been lazy. All of this rain is draining my motivation, a terrible excuse I know, but I will use it anyways ;)

Ok, so let's recap:


I was having seizures Sunday morning which is usually really depressing for me, but I haven't had them in so long that I am feeling really good about it. I understand that my medicine won't make them dissapear but will control them. I was able to go to work later that day and we had a really busy day which always brightens up my day. Meeting new people and talking to them about their lives is something I was never really able to do at another job. It seems that this coffee shop really suits me! After work I went to youth group in bountiful and was able to talk to one of my old friends about when we were younger and reminisce. So, Sunday I was thankful for bringing the realization how long it has been since I have had seizures. I also appreciate how many people I have gotten to meet in my life already and am excited to see how many others I will meet and how our lives will touch each other. Exciting!


I went to work Monday morning and recieved my tips for the previous week and was able to have some friends over that night and buy pizza. It was great to hang out with some of my closest friends before a few of them left to China for the summer. I'm going to miss those little stinkers. Monday I realized how blessed I was for the people in my life and what great things they will be doing.


Today I went to work and we became extremely busy so I was able to stay an extra hour to help out. I really love my job so it wasn't a pain at all and I get more money out of it. I also was able to get my friend a job at my work and am SUPER excited to be able to work with her. I am thankful that I love my job and that I get to be surrounded by people I enjoy. There is nothing worse than going to work and hating every moment you are there. I've been doing that for the past year and am SO glad I don't have that feeling anymore.

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